I made this video playlist at
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I'd be away for 3 days. Off to camp people!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Currently in a great mood here. Wooooh. So yeah, went out with Haru dear today. I'm meeting him really often these few weeks. With him fetching me, after volleyball practices and going home on foot after eating at MCD before that and stuffs. Met him around 12.30 plus and yeah I was late. Sorry yeah, hunns? Bus-ed our way to JP and took the MRT to Bugis. Haru and I saw many funny stuffs and we would turn to look at one another, and laugh soon after. Gosh, we think alike mann. The freaking angry girl on the phone, made me laugh bigtime, till my face was all red. Alighted at Bugis and then followed Haru to his favourite guitar place. Huhu, geram sey tengok guitar. Hawt giler!
Walked out of the place then lepak somewhere near the place. Hahhhh, I slept on Haru's hand? Like what the heckzxzx! I was so freaking sleepy and then landed my head somewhere near, which was on Haru's hand. He won't let me sleep! Evil Haru. He keep poking me, making me sort of jump and could not sleep after that. Then many many things happened, talked and laughed freaking loads manzxzxz. Walked to Suntec after that, to eat. Ate at KFC again, since there were'nt many people around. Coool or what? I got to sit at the damn bouncy chair again! Huhu, ate, and then decided to go home. Took MRT and then melepaks again. On the way to the MRT we had fun disturbing people. We walked freaking close to each other and won't let people walk in between us, till they give us way to walk. Fun like hell, mann! Played that thing till Haru cannot tahan anymore. After that lepak again. Break world record eh Haru? Can't even last a minute! I'd burst out laughing first in the end! Huhu, I like! *smile wide wide*
Then walked home and said our goodbyes. Ohhh honey, I'd freaking miss you when you're away.
*cries* Alright, had loadsa fun with dearest love, Haru today! End the post here, then.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Have'nt been updating lately. Either been busy, or banned from the laptop/computer. Grrrrr.
Let's start about the 26th. It was our first month annie, so was out with Haru on that day. Happy one monthsary yeahhh hunns? We'd last long! *smile wide wide* So dressed up, got ready and met Haru dear around 12. Met him at granny's crib void deck and FUUUUUHHHH, BOIFY WAS HAWT! *blown away*. Walked to the nearest bus stop and bus-ed down to JP. Went to Yellow, to do rings for both of us. His ring had "Fira Natasha" on it, while mine had "Haru Agio". Went around JP for like 20mins, going in arcades, walking around aimlessly while laughing and then off to collect the rings. Took mrt to Vivo and bought our tix. Watched Madagascar 2, and boy it was hillarious! The theater we were in were full of kids and we were like, "kenaper larh, banyak budak eh?". It bothered us at first, but in the end we did'nt really care much since we were in our own world. Haru, your girlfy degil eh? I was laughing hard when whe gave me the cute, sarcastic look and said "ishhh, degil ah. Degil." After the movie, we went out and walked towards the mrt.
Saw 2 ITE guys and then Haru was sighing when suddenly one of the ITE guy stopped beside me and stared at me. I was like, "Do I know this guy?", I was thinking larh. Then I realised it was Abang Nazri my oh-so-hawt abang sedara. Was shocked to see him really.
Abang Nazri: Oiii kau. Ehhhh, merayap ajer eh.
Fira: *salam him* Heheh, *smile smile*
Abang Nazri: Nie, mataer eh? Mataer eh? *points at Haru*
Haru: Huh? *blur* A'ah ah. *smile smile*
Abang Nazri: Jaga dier baek baek tau! Jangan bagi dier nakal nakal! *smiles*
Haru: *smile smile* Okay.
Hear that Haru? Hahaha, he ask you jaga me tau. Hees! Off to Esplanade after that since we had no other place in mind. On the way there, another convo between him and a group of tourist made me laugh hard. Haru was freaking nice to help the person mannn, cos' nobody bothered to. Poor tourists.
Haru: Take the train going to Boon Lay.
Tourist: Huh? MOON LAY?
Tourist: MOON LAY?!
Tourist: Boon Lay? Okay, okay.
Haru and I: *go up escalator**smile smile*
Tourist: *Screams* Oh god, CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP US?!
Haru: Take the the train on the right.
Tourist: Huh?!
Haru: Take the train on the right!
Tourist: Oh, thank you my brother! God bless you.
Haru: Thank you! I ROCK!
Haru and I: *walked freaking fast then laughed out loud* *Fira face turns freaking red*
Was still laughing like hell about it in the mrt till we alighted. Off to Esplanade rooftop. Laughed till we reached the rooftop. Oh yeah, we always think, see and say the same thing at the same time huh honey? Found a spot, talked and camwhored till we were tired since we were so into talking. After talking for quite a long time I took out the rings from my bag and we wore it on each other's finger. How sweet right? I swear I was so freaking happy that time mannn. After talking and admiring the rings long enough, we went to JP to eat. After that, went home on foot. Laughed all the way and then wished him happy one month, went home after saying goodbye and yeah of course I shouted "I LOVE YOU!"
Gosh, Haru. I'm so into you tauuuu bie! We'd last freaking long, for sure. We promised right? Paham paham okay? Alright, end the post here aitte. WOOOOO! I LOVE HARU!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Ola, howdy, hey yo, boom baby!
Hello earthlings. Had a great day today, really. Start from the top. Woke up as early as 7.55am just to attend CCA. Could'nt wake up since my head was all heavy. I can't even lift my head and had to force myself to wake up, cos' I did'nt want to be extremely late for the third time. Rushed all the way and got into school on time. We used the new hall. ALL BLUE SIAK! It's really the blue yang veryyyyyyyy the blueee ah. I really hate blue and everything around me was BLUE. The hall was VERY slippery mannn. Almost fell a few times but lucky I managed to balance myself and prevent myself from falling. Damn slippery floors. We had a hard time climbing the staircase leading to the hall. Veryyyyyy the tiring, really. Workout rabak eh, Nisha? Penat dokks. Practice was fun today. We memekak and had loadsa fun running around chasing volleyball balls.
It was 12 and we were then dismissed. Off to meet Haru Dear only, since Mimi was tired. I miss Haru like hell and yay we can meet eh Dear? Laughed alort along the way to MCD. Macam macam ah you, Haru. Reached MCD, sat for a while, laugh at people around us and then off to order our stuffs. Not us, but him. I was lazy to get out of my seat and so he ordered my APPLE PIE for me. I got 2 of them! Craved for them like for three days tau. Apple pie incident again mannn. Lucky it was'nt as embarassing as the first one. We ate, laughlaugh again, till Haru cannot tahan already, then walked home. As usual, laugh all the way home. I beat Haru arm like loadsa times, kick his leg leg COUNTLESS times yet, he did'nt even hit me back. How gentleman-like. Be like him dudes, be a man and DON'T HIT GIRLS. It ai'nt a nice thing to do, right hunns? Berbual world ah, Fira. But hey, it's all true. Suker larh tu orang panggil dier gentleman. *smile wide wide* I really had fun laughing with you today tau! Especially when we talk about Craig. Hunns, Monte is effing hawt! Okay, I can't wait for tmr, honey! 26th, 26th, 26th! ILOVEYOUHUNNS! Oh yeah, I miss that ass Mimi like oh-so-much larh. Grrrr. I miss that cutestuff Sabrina toos. You guys disturb me and Haru rabak rabak eh, on msn! Keep laughing like a mad girl in front of the laptop mannns. Alright, I'm tired. End here then. ;D
Labels: 26TH, 26TH. HARU DEAR
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Almost 2am and I'm awake. I'm sure Haru dear is up too. Honey, I miss you. Dearest, those things above are what I feel. You make me smile, laugh. You brighten my day tau sayang. I'm sorry for all the past mistakes done. It was really something bad, I know, I regret. Hope things would turn out fine and we'd last for as long as possible. Okay honey? I LOVE YOU!
Labels: HARU DEAR, I love you.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Holla. Currently hyper now, but this damn stomachache is killing me mannn. Must've eaten too much just now. Gahhhh. So let's start about today. Alright, did'nt make it for Shalini's invitation. Sorry yeah, babe? Sorry to Mimi to tau. Did'nt know mum had plans of going out today. Moving on.
So yeah, today went to Geylang to watch Kuda Kepang. Effing nice, I tell you. Before that, went around with fam to look at cars for I don't know what. Was bored and lucky dearest Haru was there to text me. Back to the kuda kepang thing. The guys doing the kuda kepang all hawt while they were doing their thing. Seriously, I did'nt know they were posessed at first. First time watching and so I knew nothing larh. Then when I saw one of them leaning his head back, looking so freaky and then I knew.
Three of them follow suit, while the others help out at the back. Then, the three guys suddenly jumped and run around like I don't know what. Freaky, I tell you. Guys helping out even hit them using a whip. The whacked the whip so hard, with the freaking loud sound and hit the posessed guys. The guys had no feelings of course larh. One of them even placed his feet on FIRE! Cool right? People were freaking struggling to get them on the ground mannn. They were even beaten up by the posessed ones. I pity them, really. Trying to help and the get beaten up.
It ended at 10.40+ and then we headed home. I'm really into it mannn! Their steps are oh-so-fook nice! Alright, mum's screaming already. Someone do come join me, watch it again sometime? Oh yeah, I'd upload the pics taken when I have the time aitte. Ahh, bored. Lucky Dhirah, Haru's oh-so-fun godsis is texting me and Sabrina dear is like chatting with me about something. Funny larh you babe. Keep me laughing about a post. Wooooo! I miss Dhirah and her siaks! I miss you too, dearest Haru! *hugs Haru* 26th, 26th, 26th! Alright, end here then.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Eyes set to kill.
Holla. I'm freaking tired now. Volleyball practice, left me with leg cramps mann. THAT'S WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU DON'T DO STRETCHING! Came for volleyball practice like 30 minutes late AGAIN. Was all pissed since we were to do serving. I freaking hate it, since mine sucks. I enjoyed spiking today, suprisingly. I used to hate that too. Volleyball practice was fun today. Played match and laughed freaking alort. It's like the first time since I've got to admit, playing match was fun. I fell twice, but it was all effing funny falls. We kept screaming yet nobody heard us, fortunately since the hall doors were shut and band was having their practice.
So yeah, was dismissed at 12 and off to meet sweetstuff and Mimi. Slacked around with Haru first since Mimi was dismissed later. Sempat pergi kedai eh? Hahhhh, Haru belanje ahhh, Coke zero per? Macam macam ah you. Met Mimi after that and headed off to PM MCD to buy..... APPLE PIE. I'm really into those mann. Keep craving for it for like 2 nights now! Grrrr. I really want one now mann. I've been eating like alort too these days. Woah, im desperate to be plump. Hahhh, what the fook? Oh yeah, Mimi. You sepak my leg, fuuuuh sedap. You sepak Haru lagi sedap sey. *smile wide wide, laughs at Haru like fook then run away*
Woah, Haru's out and i'm effing bored now. Nobody to crap on the phone and in msn with. I can't stop laughing in front of the laptop you know? We keep saying the same stuff, yeah hunns? Cool mann. Like as if we have the same thoughts! DARLING! I'm effing addicted to that song sey, Haru! Oh yeah. Mimi, hopefully I can go Shalini's stuff tmr yeah? Alright, better end the post here aiite. Nothing to update more on. Till here then, readers.
Tag replies:
huda ismaeL*: &Last Long yeayea w SharuL . * winks *
huda ismaeL*: babe ,ive reLinked eu . (=
FIRA: Ohhh babe, thanks for the wish! :D
FAIQAH: Delgado's mine i tell you! Freakingg hot dog. HAHA! You freaking sh*tty ass, you can eat up to 10 apple pie per day is it? hoho! spot the mistake yourself lah huh.
FAIQAH: Delgado's mine i tell you! Freakingg hot dog. HAHA! You freaking ****ty ass, you can eat up to 10 apple pie per day is it? hoho
FIRA: Delgado's mine larh. I keep saying, "DELAGDO'S HAWT SEY! SWEETNYER!" Hahhh, at first I did'nt get it. I get it now.
james: relinked ;D
FIRA: Thanks dude! (:
DINIY: Fateh did well! He told me just now. And I really feel like meeting him, to congrats him. And of course, you!
FIRA:Yeah, he did effing well! Did't expect him to do that well! Yeah, of course! I'd really want to meet you too cuzzie!
HARU: Wohooo! I got my dumb laptop back alive! and thanks huda for the wish! LOL.cant believe a dog can be hawt sey,bie o.o(HOTDOG) hees.gah tadi dapat meet you,sekejap! hees.MY DEAR LOVE APPLE PIE ALORT.
FIRA: Yeah, someone did something to his laptop lah. *grins* selenger lah you. Hahah, yeah get to meet me mannn. Yeah, i'm in love with apple pies cos' they're effing sweet and nice. Eh, that's just like you! Hahahah, *hugs Haru tighly*
anonymous: pukimak kau haru.
FIRA: Haru, we laughed upon reading this on msn right? What the fook, laughing in front of the laptop like what sey we.

Ola! I'm seriously tired now, yet i'm forcing myself to blog since I really need to bl0g about today. So yeah. Woke up early since I wanted to follow brother take his results. Gosh, we were all nervous even though we only tagged along while brother was the one taking the results. Mum's face was really all cramped most of the time. I guess mine was'nt since I was laughing my ass off with Mimi. Oh yeah, Mimi tagged along. She accompanied Sabrina dear. I laughed a lot but hey, I was scared too okay? Brother put in loads of effort to study like hell and if he were to fail, it'd be a waste. Really. We were told to go up to brother's class to get the result slips. My heart was beating fast and so was mum's. My heart skipped a beat, when my brother's name was called out. It was a relief to see his teacher smile and hand out his hand to congratulate him. I was like, "AHHHH! MY BROTHER PASSED, MY BROTHER PASSED!". When they were dismissed, I was like "FATEH! CAN I HUG YOU?". I hugeed him really tight and cried. Tears of joy, you know? His friends, Mimi and Sabrina were asking why I cried. I was freaking embarased and flee away from the place right away. I was really happy! Well done, brother! I love you!
Moving on. We walked to JWSS to submit brother's scholarship form. Yes, he's going that school. Do the best in everything you do okay, brother? Then, walked to JP to eat at MCD. Sabrina joined us toos. We were really full, bloated like hell. Walked around JP and then mum and sibs left first, leaving Mimi, Sabrina and I. We were bored, so walked around and decided to catch a movie. We watched Beverly Hill Chihuahua and boy, it was a great movie. The chihuahua's were so effing cute! Gosh, I loved the dog named Delgado. He was this effing sweet, caring, brave dog! Freakingly hawt, for a dog right Mimi? Awww, if only we can have dogs yeah? Grrrr.
After the movie, we went to art park, to camwhore. We then make a move after that, since Sabrina needed to go home. After sending her home, went to Mcd to buy my apple pie then walked around, at her void deck there.
Fulamak, best. Familiar face seen lah sey. I was laughing my ass of at Mimi after seeing someone. Gerek you know, see familiar faces. After seeing one, then I laugh at them. Mimi made me laugh bigtime siol. You know, I know. *smile wide wide* So yeah, walked around, bought apple pie again and the went home. Fun you know, walking with Mimi. She macam macam larh. Hahhhh, alright then. Today was a really fun day! End the post here then.
Labels: Brother, I love you.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
FCUK. How obvious can it be?
EH HI! That's like, Mimi's favourite phrase to greet people. Let's start. Slept really late the previous night and I was all dizzy in the morning. Had to wake up early, just to attend CCA. C-C-A! It's torchure, to have CCAs during holidays, really. Went to CCA, just for attendance and also because I wanted to meet Mimi after that. FOOOOOCK CCA man. It was effing boring and annoying with the SI BULAT around, mates you know who. We were really giving attitude. The "I don't care much, can I go home now" attitude you know? Hahhhh, cool attitude huh? So yeah, meet my kickass bestie after CCA. Maww pekik best. She screamed at me since I was singing the"Thunder" song effing loud. She was like, "EH DIAM LARH!". Her reaction, best mann. Mimi even heard her scream. Woah, Maww best ah. People from far, can hear you la babe.
Got to know Haru dear text Mimi, he wanted to have lunch and thus we met up after saying goodbyes to Maww. On the way, we saw a bird dying a tragic death. Chey, macam paham. We saw a bird die, in front of our eyes. Foooookkkk! We simply walked far away from it mannn! Awww, kesian uh the bird. Reached MCD, chopped places and waited for Haru. Haru, your baju best eh. Cute la you. Ordered our meals, ALL THREE OF US at the counter. We were laughing like foooock mann. Ate, and then something happened. FREAKING APPLE PIE INCIDENT. Haru laughed at me like the most. Mimi, cannot tahan, take her bag and cover her face while laughing. You guys eh. Gosh, I don't know how many napkins I used ! I was laughing, blushing at the same time. Damn red right, my face? Haiyo. Moving on.
Finished our food and went out walking aimlessly. Alright, three of us define it as lepak. Since we'd walk around like hell, then talk, laugh, crap like I don't know what. Just like lepak right? Hahhhh, so yeah. Went to GIANT at pm. Of all places, GIANT. Heard a SOLO per dengar dengar? Hahhhhh, solo someone eh korang? Hahhh, macam macam. Then went out and walk around and decided to walk home. Sent Mimi up and then off to lepak with Haru dear. You're freaking funny la hunns. Then went home, slack. Around 5, went swimming with Mum, sibs and Mimi. Fun giler. Lifeguard hawt siiiaks. Mimi kene dengan lifeguard! Really had fun with her. Was swimming and laughing so effing loud. After washing up, headed off to PM MCD. Eat, eat and then mum and sibs went home leaving me and Mimi. Decided to meet Haru melepaks for awhile. Alamaks Haru, seram ah walk in front of your car tau. I panic already sey upon seeing your car. We melepaks, go up and down the lift, camwhore and all.
GEREK! Sent Mimi again and off lepaking with Haru again. Lepak till 9.15, till Mum called Mimi. Pheww, naseb tak marah eh, Haru? Mum just smiled and talked instead? Foooook? So suprising. HARU DEAR, ILOVEYOU HUNNS! Oh btw yeah, lambat nah? I've got mine like after two days only sey! Lembabzxzx! Damn, I just remembered. Bro's getting his results tmr. You're gonna' pass la bro. Meeting up with Mimi, Sabrina tmr with my sibs and mum toos. I can't wait to meet you Sabrina dear. Don't worry kies? Hahhhh, end the post here aitte, I feel so fooooking sleepy.
-Shiat, my face in pics showed I was really sleepy!
Labels: I'm in a daze.
Monday, November 17, 2008

Labels: MUNDANE. ;{

Labels: ERATIC.