I made this video playlist at
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year, people. I'm sure you guys are looking forward to a brand new year. I agree with those who thought 2008 was a hard year for them. Yes, it was for me too people. I find myself changing loads in that year. Gosh, I really hope 2009 would be wayyyyyy better and fun than 2008.Kickass mates? Check. Hyper Boify? Check. That's all I have on my list for now. I'm tired, let's just stop here aitte ? Oh yeah! I can't wait for the outing with crazy, hyper boify later. Gahhhh, sleepy sleepy. Goodbyes people.
Labels: What's your new year resolution ?
Monday, December 29, 2008
Ignore the previous post, I was damn angry.
I'm effing happy now, thanks to Haru dear. He made me like, laugh rabak rabak. Though we only met and spend 1 hour with one another, you really made me laugh my ass off. I was feeling really low at first, started laughing with the girls, but I knew it was'nt gonna' change how felt. Ohhhh yeah, sharing secrets with you sure is fun. Ehem ehem, I know something. Deep dark secret huh? Macam macam ah you. Mum's givin' me hell again. Not in a very good mood ah she, lately. Tho' she's in a bad mood, she still bought me the nike blue/turquoise(gosh, I can't tell the diff sometimes) waterbottle. Ohh well, till here then.
Labels: dear., You brighten up my day
Sunday, December 28, 2008
PK !
Awful morning. Imagine you, waking up damn early due to having someone kicking and screaming harsh words at you? Then cry cos' you were really hurt by those hasrh words? Gahhhhh, seriously. I can't take it. Why can't I wake up late, like other kids do? Yeah, I slept late. So? it's the holidays still for goodness sake! Ahhhhh, FUCK. I don't think i'd be in a very good mood today. I can't promise that I won't scream or show attitude to any of you. So, just bear with me.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
HAPPY 2ND MONTHSARY DEAREST HARU ! I've said everything on the phone, so yeah. I'd rather not write it here. I mean my words, you know. I LOVE YOU BABY!
House Chores!
Monday, December 22, 2008

FIRA: Oiii scrub there, scrub there.
You should have seen his face; effing funny mannzxzx. I guess I'm gonna' end my post here. I'm really hungryyyy. Till here then people.
Labels: Brother

Sunday, December 21, 2008
I'm really happy today. Thanks to Mimi dear, my dearest bestie. Went out with her, to JP. Many hillarious incidents I tell you. I talked really loud to Mimi even though we were just next to each other. Cos' you know what ? JP was so packed with people that I can't even hear myself. I loveee going out with Mimi, seriously.
Yeah babe, I know you feel ignored lately and I'm sorry okay? I'd never forget you though I'm with Haru. Okay? So stop thinking that you're going to be ignored and stuff. I feel so happy I hugged you just now mannn. I know it was a sudden hug, but I thought I just needed to give you one. I love you bestie ! Saaayaaang kau ! (:
Labels: Bestie Love.
Friday, December 19, 2008
TODAY WAS FUN FUN FUN ! It was tiring though. Sec One Registration, people. I'm tired of saying "GOOD MORNING, THIS WAY UP PLEASE!" to parents mannn. 2 hours of standing and smiling. It starts to get hard when parents come to you, asking many many questions. I'd be like, WHAT? then i'd be like HUH? . Frustrating, I tell you.
I was cursing the whole time too, cos' the weather was freakingly hot like, wtfook. There were parents who kacau kacau me, and laugh at me. Then when mom came in and they saw mum, it turned out we knew each other. Cool or what? What a small world. After the whole thang, cleared stuffs while laughing like I dont know what, because of Rusydi and Sharil.
Was dismissed soon after and off to meet Haru, with them tagging along too. Met Ms Ang at the traffic light sey. We were like waving semangatly at her, till she was like, "EH, GREEN LIGHT LARH!". We were damn paisey, then just smile and walk away. Ehem ehem, aku tahu rahsia korang ! Macam macam ah. Went to banquet, ate, watch them do something stupid/crazy, and walked home. Sharil went another way and so, left with the three of us.
RUSYDI ! You freaking joker. Made me and Haru laugh till we can't walk and our stomach's really painful mannn. Off to Rusydi's area, play playground again. I watched them play the see-saw, damn fun siol. They challenge one another. Their face expression, SEMANGATZXZX mannn. Semua muker cramp siak.
Went home with Haru and yeah, talk crap. *smile smile* You know, I know what happened la kan ? Merepek ah you bie. Ehhhh, Hafiz. Sorry yeah, I can't make it larh dude. Heheh, HAFIZ MISSES ME! Cute ah kau. Oh yeah, HARU! Blog song is dedicated to you ! ;D Till here then, readers.
Labels: Fatigue.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Hey yaww. Lazy to upload stuff about today and the previous day. Today's really fun you know. Freaking gerek kickass mates. The rest who went home with us went separate ways and so it's left with Rusydi, Hafiz and I walking the same way home. Here's few vids we recorded. I enjoyed myself, being with them even though I was the only girl. Nope, Haru's not angry cos' he knows the guys who went home with me and he freaking know that I'd never macam macam. So yeah. Here's the vids. Oh yeah, tmr would be really chaotic and fun. Looking forward to meeting you guys! Tmr, 7.15AM aitte ? Yes Hafiz, my bus stop and I promise I won't be late okay?
Monday, December 15, 2008
A. People who have been tagged must write their answers in their blog.
B. Tag 8 people to do this quiz . Those that are tagged cannot refuse.
C. Continue this game by tagging 8 other people.
Was tagged by MIMI DEAR to do this quiz.
1. What have you been doing recently ?
Being on the phone and texting my dearest Haru.
2. Do you ever turn your cell phone off ?
Yeah, loads of times.
3. What happened at 10am today ?
I was still sleeping soundly.
4. When did you last cry ?
2 days ago?
5. Believe in fate/destiny ?
Hell yeah.
6. What do you want in your life now ?
Cherish the people I love? Live my life and don't give a damn to haters?
7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood ?
Depends. Which ever comes to my mind first.
8. What's your favourite thing to do on the bed ?
Talk on the phone, while lying down?
9. What bottoms are you wearing now ?
Like Mimi, i'm wearing JWPS shorts too. Wth.
10. What's the nicest things in your inbox ?
"Hahas, I got myself a freaking nice and cute girlfy too tau!(; sayang, i'm so in love with you and I truly love you tau!" - Haru. He's sweet right? I love my boyfriend!
11. Do you tend to make your relationship complicated ?
Why would I do that? No, I don't think so.
12. Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone ?
13. What was the last movie you caught ?
14. What are you proud of ?
Myself ? Cos' i'm proud to be just ME!
15. What does the oldest text msg in your inbox say ?
"Dah tido?"-Aisyah. Sorry for not replying yeah? Was sound asleep babe.
16. What was the last song you sang out loud ?
17. Do you have any nicknames ?
18. What does the newest text say ?
"Hahas. okay, sayang xD" -Haru
19. What time did you go to bed last night ?
11 coming to 12? Sorry Haru dear. I accidentally slept yesterday!*slaps Fira*
20. Are you currently happy ?
21. Who gives you the best advise ?
I can't recall. Many are giving me adivices.
22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can ?
Did it before and fook it was nice.
23. Who did you talk on the phone last night ?
Haru my dearest boyfriend !
24. Is something bugging you now?
Currently, nope.
25. Who was the last person to make you laugh?
Haru and his Jamie Olliver thing mannn. You know, I know. *smiles wide wide*
People Tagged:
Well, anyone who bothers to do this quiz.
Hooohaaaa. It's a good thing I'm going out with dearest besties and my sayang tmr. Else I'd be bored to death at home. Lucky there's Haru around. He makes me laugh my ass off mannn. Gosh, I can't help but recall the time when he was at Japan mannn. The 4 days, was HELL!
Alright, I'm outta' words. Till here then people.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Haven't been blogging for like two days, I guess. Weren't allowed to use the laptop. Grrrr. Oh well, it's also because I was out on the two days. Went out with family on the two days.
On the first day, we went shopping at Bugis. Boy, from 4 plus, till 12am? Huhu, it sure was fun. Shop till you drop, mannn. Mum, brother and aunty were like really in the shopping mood mannn. Buying everything they want. It's really fun, seeing them splurge once in a while. I freaking love the bermudas and belt mum bought me. Effingly nice! I loved bro's top and bermudas too. He's like getting hawter and hawter day by day mannn! We were really tired, going around looking for bro's top mannn. His was the hardest to find. After that, we went home.
Second day.
Went out around 5plus even though we were supposed to go out at 4.30. Hahhhh, we do get ready, really late man. Wore the bermudas . and belt bought meThen fetched mom at her work place and off to Orchard. Decided to catch a movie at Shaw. Watched Bolt again since sister really wanted watch it. Mum kept saying, "AKAK! AKAK PAKAI GINI COOL LARH!", in a high pitch semangat voice. Heheh, she can be really cute at times you know? She loves my belt, I think? Heheh, before the movie we ate at Far East. Huhu, many many people sak. I seriously hate coming to town area on weekends mannn. After eating, went to the theater, sat around, till the movie start. I love Mitten so much ! She's freaking cute and sarcastic mannn. I likeeee.
So sorry eh, Dhirah can't text you when you're bored.
After the movie, we then cabbed home. It was really fun texting Dhirah mannn. Heheh, best ah all the stories she tell me about Haru. Reached home, hung on the phone with Haru. Hahhhhh, HARU ! *smilesmile* Gosh, you never fail to make me laugh my ass off huh? KE PASO ! You know, I know. Hees. Hmms, been like 5 days since I met Haru mannn. Gahhh, the feeling sucks. It's a good thing, i'm meeting him tomorrow. Woooo!
Oh my, bro and sis is like freaking hyper today. Disturbing me, non-stop mannn ! They were sweating after a game of hockey, then they hugged me really tight, having their sweat all over me! I was like, "LET ME GO! AHHH, EEEEWWWW SWEATT!!" Gosh, evil siblings. Alright, i'm running outta' words. Oh yeah.
HA-HA-HA! YOU ARE ONE TOO! WOOOHOOO! Gerek sak, maen maen macam nie. Fun tau, tak. Fun kan, Haru? Heheh, best giler! ENTERTAINING! Ader jugak yang tengok blog aku.xD Hees, I likeeeee! Okay, till here then people.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Had a really great day yesterday. Met up with bestie dear, Mimi. Met Sabrina and her cuzzie Kitty too, since I wanted to pass to them some PSP stuff. So yeah, met them at MCD, talk while we ate ice cream. MCFLURRY WOOO! Kitty was sure one hell of fun. Heheh, bith of the cuzzies are so cute! Then off to lepak with them, near Sabrina's block. Said goodbye to them, and walked around with Mimi dear. Gosh, I was laughing really hard with Mimi mannn. Been long since we crapped like that yeah?
Met Abang Nazif along the way too. Abang Nazif merajuk, at me! Gahhhh, sorry lahhh abang. Adek text abang biler adek free okay? Then, got to know Haru was near the area and so we were searching for him like I don't know what. Mimi ngan Fifi pat tepi road macam orang giler sey! Saw Haru at the window and I was like doing the peace sign at him while Mimi was just smiling all the way. Was shocked when Dhirah shouted my name and Dan was semangatly waving to me, in red. Damn, you saw me loads of times before, when I've got no idea how you look like. xD Grrr. Surely to meet up soon lahhh, hopefully.
Walked away, while laughing still and met Terecia. Terecia, hawt sey! Huhu, rebonded hair huh? Then walked to Central back to buy their birthday cake for their class outing. Gosh, you guys class outing is like, really happening mannn. Okay, I'm stuck at home teaching my oh-so-irritating sister. Gahhhhh, Haru, Mimi and Izmi are out. Once again, you guys are all out while i'm not ! Oh yeah, you guys going out tomorrow or not eh? Oh yeah. Macam takle happen gitu, selamat ah eh.
It's okay. We don't care anymore. I've done all those before. Even worse maybe? Envy me, huh? I'm just laughing hard at it yaww. KAMPUNG people. *winks at Haru* You know, I know.
Till here then, people.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
I'm drunk.
Haru knows why. Not drunk as in drinking or what yeah. Drunk as in hyperactive, talk non-stop, jumping loads of times and also laughing really loud till my face turn freakingly red. Went out with Haru dear today. Been like 5 days since we met and so decided to meet today. I accompanied him to buy his guitar strings at Bugis. Before that, went catch a movie at Cinneleisure first. We were walking aimlessly and gosh, we got lost somehow? *points at Haru, runs away* It was a funny incident. We alighted at Orchard and walked around in search of Cinneleisure. We could not find it and my dearest Haru, suggested we take a train to Somerset since his cuzzie asked him to do so. We then alighted at Somerset and walked out. The first thing we did was look around, thought and said the same thing.
"Were'nt this the place we walked pass just now? *laugh like idiots*"
So yeah, we walked around again aimlessly. We took a left and there it was, CINNELEISURE.
Had we turned left earlier, we would'nt go into circles before. But the whole incident was really fun and I'm happy it happened. Reached Cinneleisure, bought tickets(HARU'S TREAT!) and off to Burger King to have lunch. It's really fun to have lunch with Haru. He can make you laugh your ass off at anything. It's a good thing, we both think alike. So when we both see something funny or what together, we'd just smile at one another. Telepathy yeah, hunns? Heheh, HARU! I saw a hawtstuff guy in red! *winks* After lunch, off to the theater. Oh yeah, we watched BOLT! Freakingly nice movie, you know. I liked the cat while Haru LOVED the hamster so much. After the movie, went to Bugis, to buy his stuff, lepak(I laughed till I almost cried, lepak-ing with him), then off to MCD to eat APPLE PIES! The table was effingly messy when FIRA eats apple pies. Walked to Bugis mrt station and went home.
Many things happened in the mrt. We played SHERADE(I don't know how it's spelled), VERRRYYYY THE KECOH. Seriously, its effing hard to guess what he was saying with his sign language. Haru's sign language too hard, to understand ! I was laughing my ass off when all of my guesses are wayyyyy different from what he wanted to say. Then he played the game in my hp, while I played the games in his hp. FIRA MAEN GAME KERETA MACAM DIER YANG DRIVE BETUL BETUL SEY! He was laughing at me, cos' I'd follow the direction of the car in the game and my face was... very the semangatzxzxz. When I was playing the game, I even screamed vulgarities and stomped my legs really hard you know! I was wearing a skirt some more, so people. IMAGINE. *FIRA'S legs fly up and stomps on the floor really hard*
Then reached and walked home. Most of the time, JUMPED home. We were like jumping and laughing the whole way. IMAGINE. I wore a skirt and I was like hopping away happily and stuffs while he laughed and said, "HAIIII. MY GIRLFRIEND'S DRUNK! *smiles*" .
I really had a great time, with Haru. Seriously, he's one hell of a boify. Hard to find one, okay? Cheybahhh. Haru kembang. *kening naek naek* Go out more often yeah, hunns? You owe me, 3 more movies. *grins* Oh yeah, Diniy. Sorry for watching Bolt before you yeah? I forgot we were supposed to watch that movie together. Haru said, sorry too tau. Oh well, that's all about today.
Currently chatting Tharshini sexybabe and boy, she's loads of fun. We talked about almost everything based on true life accounts. Also talked about things like handphones, cameras, ipods and many other stuffs. She's got loads of infos, really. She's a nice person to talk to you know? Boy, I LOVE MY LIFE! Surrounded by caring, lovely and most importantly HYPER/CRAZY/FUNNY people!
Oh well, till here then. *JUMPS!*
Labels: I'm drunk, seriously.
Monday, December 8, 2008
It was like 11.58AM when I woke up and checked my phone. Was all dizzy but when I saw boify's missed calls, I was all up, rushed, run around to find a charger. Instantly, called him back sey. Was freaking happy, to get to listen to his voice again. Laugh laugh, then came mum.
Mum: Eh, I want to talk to him.
FIRA: Huh? Ala...*hands her the phone*
Mum: Hello, Haru eh? Asal tak msg/call Fira?
Haru: Oh, hp mati ah tak bawak charger ah cik.
Mum: Ohhhh... Si Fira nie, asyik membebel jer, dier cakap asal lah Haru tak msg/call dier...
Haru: Oh hp, saya ah nie... takder battery..
FIRA: *Laugh like a mad woman, face turns red*
Mum: Ohhhh, okaylarh. I pass back the phone to Fira. *smiles*
It was embarassing tau, really. Pecah rahsia, thanks to mum. Heheh, saper nangis eh? *points to Fira* You should know why, eh bie. OH YEAH! I'm meeting him today! Woooowaaaweee!
Watch movie larh sey! 3 more movies eh, bie. Evil ah, your gf ! I still can't decide what to wear. Wearing a skirt is on my mind right now. I can't find a top I'd like to wear though. Gahhhh, choosing what to wear is really hard. Grrrr, oh well. I guess, I'd decide later. Yay! Get to spend the whole day, with my dearest. Huhu, great or what mannn.
Oh yeah, guys. I can't go for the outing you guys organised. Dearest won't let me go, cos' of something. Hahhh, I'd go some other time, I think? Korang enjoy eh. Pegi lah, have fun. *smile very very very wide* Ehem ehem Haru. You know the imagination kan? You know, I know. *laughs like fook*
Alright people. Till here then.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Oh, fook.
All of a sudden, I have the mood to post stuff. It's random stuff, yeah.
Gosh, I'm sleeping really late these days. It'd sure be a rough day for me, later. I'd surely be walking zig-zags and mumble really a lot. Oh well, you guys would have to bear with me then. Huhu, when will boify come back man. Hopefully his flight wont be delayed or something. Gahhh, misses. What's up with me man? I'm listening to a band I effing hate? Grrrr. Nah, the band's not at fault I guess. It's just their songs that holds too many bad memories. Their songs, are mostly about love and sweet stuff. Uhuh, so you guys know the reason already right? I find their songs meaningfu/touching, incredibly sad or effingly fun. Hahhh, I guess its a good band after all. Oh boy, mum's screaming at me now. Foook, I just blogged for like, 16mins? Oh well, at least I get to blog. Till here then, people. *runs off, jumps really high, misses and falls off the bed* *smiles*
Labels: HARU DEAR.
I miss boify alort. I don't know when he's coming back and damn that sucks! Grrrrr, today maybe? Gahhhh, not a text message received at all... Why oh why, must your handphone die, eh bie? Oh shoot, I miss you dear. Even aunty was like, "What's wrong with you? Missing Haru huh? Relax larh...". Grrr, d0 come back soon dearest! I miss bestie and others too. Especially you, Diniy! Looking forward to outing real soon. Been long since we had cuzzie talk! Can't wait!
Alright, this show on Suria is effing funny. Keeps me laughing even though I don't want to even smile you know? Gerek show. Oooooh boify, I MISS YOU! *cries*
Tag Replies:
Najib: Fira!!! Sorry that our bbq was cancelled due to a last minute 'can't make it peeps' know what i mean? Well, we'll meet each other soon aight, soon...real soon...=) And last long ya!!! huhuhu...=)
FIRA: Ohhhh, takper larh. I understand lah dude. Hees, thank you yeah? I sure, will ! *smiles*
SABRINA!: They aren't leaving you lah. They're on holiday. But, you still have me right? Heee.
FIRA: Hehhh, so called leaving me larh. Hahhh, Haru's not on hols babe. Oh yeah, I still have you cutestuff. (:
SHEMA: hey there XD. link me & has kumar send you the photos? i want them
FIRA: Hey yaww. I've linked you and no, he has'nt. Once he does, I'd send them to you for sure. (:
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Yet, I'm still awake. I can't get myself to sleep, even though I'm beat after baking those cookies and brownies. YEAH, I baked cookies and brownies. Had to do it, for Hari Raya Haji and stuffs. It's a good thing the cookies and brownies were oh-so-effing nice. My efforts were'nt wasted, in the end. I seriously can't stop thinking of my dear Haru. Though I was busy carrying heavy trays, watching tv or shaping those cookies, my mind was somewhere else. You see, Haru. I really miss you dear. 4 days, not contacting one another really feels horrible! I wonder what you're doing now, honey. Gahhhh. Alright, I'm Haru-sick! I really miss you, sweetstuff !
Oh yeah, I miss that bestie of mine too. She's outta' town and so is Haru and Izmi. Why're all of you leaving me? Gahhhh, I miss you kickass people. *cries*
My mind's blank and I just noticed lesser people are tagging me. Maybe, due to my dying blog? I just don't have the mood to post about anything sometimes and leave my blog to die. Gahhhh, I'd post more often when I have the mood, yeah people? Oh yeah! I came across something on the net and found out that happiness is contagious and that people pass on their good cheer up to anyone, even strangers. "When you smile, the world really does smile with you."
How cool, right? Imagine you, smiling to someone whom you never knew and you were the one who brighten up the person's day by just a smile. Wonderful feeling, is'nt it? Alright, that's all that I found. Oh yeah, I find myself listening to Kanye West, T.I, Lil Wayne really a lot these days. It's really weird. I'd still listen to gunslinger, and ETF songs too, of course. They're a MUST to listen to everyday for me. Ohhh foook.
I'm dying of boredome. If only Haru was here. I'd confirm, be laughing my ass off when I'm on the phone with him. Shoooot, imhsssvvvvm! Haru dear, you have to catch 4 movies with me eh, to make up for the 4 days of not meeting tau.*evil laugh* I want to watch Twilight and Bolt!
Bolt's really cute! I love all the characters in the movie. Twilight, seems to be a nice movie to watch. The guy in the movie, seems hawt. Huhu, I guess I have to watch it then. *smiles*
Oh well, aunt's screaming, asking me to tuck in and I think i'm getting dizzy too. Till here then, guys.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Hey yaww. Everyone's updating about camp. So I figured out, I should update about camp.
Here goes.
1Dec, 1st day.
Assembled, played icebreaker games and stuffs. Got to know team members and my oh-so-gerek adek Syaqila was in my team. My team members were fun, really. They're just crazy people that are funny in their own ways. My team was called the Mighty Panthers. After those things, we had leadership talk by this org(I think) called Trybe and played something called MOAT CHALLENGE. Ini betul betul nyer challenge siak. Stress oii ini game. Spend like, 1 hour plus? But the good thing is, we did'nt give up yaww. Huhu, we rock!
We washed up then went for our night walk soon after. Before we did that, we sat around and listened to Manoj telling ghost stories. He's a great storyteller mann. People were listening, so focused on the stories he told. There was this particular story, when he made all of us fly backwards. When it was all silent and all, he screamed and made all of our legs kinda fly to the back? Shema was hugging me damn effing tight mannn. Then, the nightwalk. We were told to go to AVA but then we can't go in. Fira step maner nyer berani, bukak pintu depan, sebab yang laen semua takut. Apadah. Opened the door, and I was like, CIBAI AH! I was screaming real loud, till Syaqila screamed the same thing too. There was someone standing at the door, he really shocked me! When we walked in, someone sitting by the door was pulling my leg! Then there were girls, with long hair, so called gliding across the floor? It was really scary mannn. I ran around the AVA room with Syaqila and Shema like who know's what. We headed to the hall then. Was fun, but not as fun as the one in the AVA. After the night walk... I can't remember what happened. Lights out, then chit chat with the girls in the hall. Wait for Susy to hang up on the phone eh, taktau beraper lama sak. Fell asleep and then woke up around 2-3 plus to use my sleeping bag since it was FREEEEZINGGG COLDDD.
2DEC, 2nd Day.
Went hiking baybeh! HORTPARK! Very hot indeed. We were running like mad. We were considered fast since the seniors and those in charge of the games were only walking at the first checkpoint when we reached shortly after. I pitied them, since they had to run to their stations really fast. The games were fun, and also stressful. There was this Lego game, where no team could solve. Freaking game, drove us nuts mann. My team, came in second, while Susy, Khalisah and Hafiz's came in first. Go CHEETAS! I was encouraging Hafiz and his group and then was shocked, when Hafiz hugged me, while we were running. I was like, 'Fiz, Fiz, basah oii. PANAS!".
Then he was like, "Takper larh!". Gosh, we were really supporting one another sey. No worries, I told Haru everything about that. After all the teams were done, headed off to school and was all tired till I slept like log, with my head on the table. Then it was lunch. We prepared for campfire stuffs and then went to do other stuffs. Had dinner, washed up, went for campfire. We were alliences with Cheetas mann. Gerek ah they. My group cheers were the best! I like mann! It's like stuck in my mind till now? Campfire was fun! Cheered, screamed, danced and stuffs.
Thank you, Irwin and other seniors for organising the camp yeah? Irwin really makes a great president. He can be really fun and REALLLLY HYPER and funny. After the campfire, went to AVA for another talk and then stayed around to watch 'the longest yard', though I watched it for who know's how many times. It's a funny movie mann. Then went to sleep, knockout around 1 plus.
3Dec, 3rd Day.
Assembled, did PT. PT was really fun this time. Played the left, right, forward, backwards game.
Veryyyy funnnn mannn. Then had breakfast, did reflections, then cheered like hell. Had prize giving and stuffs. I WON, FOR BEING MOST BEST TEAM PLAYER??? Like, what the
heckzxzx? Was really happy and shocked to hear my name! Rameya got it too. After all those, hear announcements, camwhored with group members and then went home. Met Haru since he really misses me and walked to MCD. Lepak, talktalk, crap crap with him. I really think the people working there recognize me and Haru already, since they'd always smile at us, when we sit at MCD. Haru evil sey. Laughed alot when he I told him everything funny about the camp mann. He really laughed bigtime, when I sang to him my group's cheer. Gosh, it was really fun crapping with him. Then came Hafiz, Ross and Adi Sufyan. Crapped like what the fook with them and then walked home on foot with them too. Macam macam ah all of you. Overall, camp was great and damn I love that Haru of mine!
Gosh, I miss Haru loads man. Wonder what he's doing now. He texted me just once and till now i'm still waiting for another. Gahhhhh, I miss that sweetstuff of mine really alort ! *cries*
Labels: I'm waiting, waiting, waiting.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
I'm lazy to post in this blog of mine. Grrrr. Anyway, back from the camp yawww. The camp was EFFING FUN. Hiking, floorball, capt.ball, other fun games and stuff. Won something for being best team player? Huhu, I LOVE SLC! Update more, when I have the pics with me. Thank you Kumar for tolerating me, with all my "TAKE MY PHOTO!" requests yeah? Huhu, tagboard dying. Cool or what sey. Alright, till here then.
HARU DEAR! You takecare tau, when you're there. I'm going to miss you, when you're there, tauuuus! It's just 4 days and I hope it'd past quickly so that I can see you again! Psssstttt, don't macam macam eh, when you're there. *winks* I LOVE YOU HUNNNS !