I made this video playlist at
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Oh holla, readers.
Currently sick and thus skipped school. Hell yeah, I know you guys miss me. *smile* Oh well, I know Mimi does and that's why I'm so meeting her later. My fever's getting better and hopefully I'd get well soon. Cos it sucks being at school having your head feel heavy wherever you go. Seriously, it sucks and thank god I was'nt in school today.
I wonder why I keep thinking of Z.P and my second bie mannn. Weird feeling. Oh yeah, I'm so addicted to my blog song. Keep singing, "FEELS LIKE INSOMNIA AH AH..." and I think Mimi is so going to hate me for singing too much, later. Alright, my stomach's making all this freaking noises which means, off to lunch ! Hees, alright till here then.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Holla, readers.
Been out the whole day and boy it sure is tiring shoving people. Went to Marina first, to catch a movie. My fam and I watched Bride Wars and gosh, we laughed so hard in the theater. It's a hillarious movie about friendship and all. Recommended ! We even had time to sit around Gloria Jean's. Aunt even spent around 23 bucks for buying us, drinks and cakes. We camwhored really a lot! Mum was annoyed as she was photographer of the day and she was tired having me to ask her took pics of us.
Been out the whole day and boy it sure is tiring shoving people. Went to Marina first, to catch a movie. My fam and I watched Bride Wars and gosh, we laughed so hard in the theater. It's a hillarious movie about friendship and all. Recommended ! We even had time to sit around Gloria Jean's. Aunt even spent around 23 bucks for buying us, drinks and cakes. We camwhored really a lot! Mum was annoyed as she was photographer of the day and she was tired having me to ask her took pics of us.
After the movie, went near Esplanade for the CNY celebration stuffs. My, the place was packed and yeah, I was shoving people all the way. The place was really nice and as per normal, CAMWHORED LOADS! We walked to Esplanade, slacked, camwhored and then went to eat at this place which had a band to entertain us while we ate! Gerek you know.
After eating, we decided to cab home since all of us were tired and cos' mum had to work the next day. It's like 1.35AM now and gosh, I'm still blogging when I have to wake up at 7 for my class outing thingy. Can't wait to see you guys and I really hope Mimi can go. Grrrr, bestie! Please go, okay? I miss you larh sey.
Oh yeah. Here's a note for you.
I have the right to choose my friends and none of my friends are like what you think. Don't judge a book by it's cover alright? It pisses me, when you choose my friends for me. Stop telling me, what to do and keep advicing me. I'm tired listening to the same thing over and over again. I'm still going to be friends with anyone I want, and there's no stopping me. Cut the phone lines, take away my phone or whatsoever but hey, it won't stop me from being with my friends. Friends, whom I choose to be with. That's it.
Alright, keep my post till here then. Upload pictures once they're with me. Till here then. Goodbye readers.
Alright, keep my post till here then. Upload pictures once they're with me. Till here then. Goodbye readers.
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Mimie, I miss you.
Oh holla.
Been stuck at home these days and boy, it sucks bigtime. It's a good thing that Mimi's always around to accompany me whenever I feel damn freaking bored or when I'm feeling low. Not forgetting one hyper giler abang, that Sufi Sufyan. Oh gosh, I miss playing red plate game with them and farhana. Farhana and I would whack really hard while the belo ones like Sufi and Mimi would hit softly. Very the belo. Dah bagi chance pukul, pukul pelan yang amat sey.
I seriously hope I can go out on Tuesday with my class. They're a really fun and an extremely loud bunch. I miss listening to Raden saying, "COME, KUNCU-KUNCU AKU!" and everyone would follow him. I can't wait and hopefully nothing would screw the plan.
I'm running outta' words. Keeping my posts really short these days due to lack of things to update about. Well, at least I blogged right? Oh yeah, maybe I'm going to change my blogskin AGAIN and maybe putting a song in this blog of mine. All righty, till here then.
Labels: I'm in a dilemma. I miss you.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Oh hey.
Back to another dead blog. Many are bugging me, to update. So here you go guys. Today, was not a great day. Apart from the hamper making stuff, the rest was not something I could be happy of. We really acted like a team! I likeeee. I hate assembly. CCA was not fun either. Darah up siol, ingat balik.
Oh yeah, stop asking me the same questions people. Penat tau, jawab benda yang samer.
After CCA, went to meet my giler habes abg, abg yan ! He's really one crazy guy. Serious siol.
Played the red plate game with him and gosh, it was suuuupaaaa kecoh. You should have seen his face whenever he saw a red plate car. Our arms and his shoulder is confirm to be in pain now.
Especially his. Sorry yeah, I hit too hard right? Those red plate cars really made me excited to hit you and before you know it, *PIAKKK*. Another hit on your shoulder or arm. Hees. Oh well, thanks for the MCAFE treat yeah? Sadly, I can't see person I wanted to see. Grrrrr. You know who.
Thanks for listening to me cursing when I was all frustrated and stuff yeah? You made me laugh bigtime with all your paisey stories. *smile wide wide* Oh yeah, I took a pic with Umira just yesterday and I find myself liking that pic a lot till it's still stuck in my mind now. Oh well, I'm chatting with cutestuff syafiq now. Mintak kene cubit sey, ini anak.
Oh yeah, I hope I get to go out with my class this hols mannn. Ohhhhh, damn. I'm running outta' words. Alright, till here then.
Labels: Mixed emotions?
Camp, camp, camp.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

So here's the long awaited pics of camp. Thanks yeah, dearest Umira! I enjoyed myself, with them! SPARTANS!
Labels: CAMP 09' SPARTANS.
Happening oiii, niari !
Tolong ignore yerrr . Muker, what the hell.
Hello readers! I'm still in a really good mood. School was great, I can say. Edy, thanks eh for making my stomach feel like bursting. I seriously, can't take it when you do the serious face. I have to laugh. HAVE TO SIOL ! He got to sit next to Farah in Malay class. I was like, WHAT?! Cos' he's my oh-so-fun laughing partner. Have a great time at the back yeah? Farah's gonna' flip her oh-so-sharp hair, in your face dude. Selamat larh eh. The girls were great too, they never fail to make the surrounding suuuupaaaa noisy. Farhana would be like, "ehhhh, kecoh nyer -.-". Seriously mannn, when Diyanah is around, the world goes haywire! Oh yes, I know your deep dark secret babe. CRAY! Belo nyer perempuan. Oh yeah, I know a lot of secrets from like everyone. Huhu, I like. *mouth zipped*
After school, met up hunney and all. Crazy people mannn. Headed to the library to return a book and stayed to do homework. I'm sorry hunney, for being a little harsh just now yeah? I was so into my homework that I kind of ignore you. It's just that I don't like being watched or disturbed whenever I'm studying or doing homework. Ohhhh yeah, I did that maths sum right okay? Bangga tau, Fira dapat maths sum betul. Fira nyer maths eh, dalam longkang dokks. Down the drain !
Went to MC to eat and coincidentally meet Syafiq 3/7 and Hafiz my long lost larlinkks. Then again, I'm stuck with going home with three guys while I'm the only girl. Oh well, had a lot of laugh with them. Sempat pegi kedai with Mimi, after that. Huhu, Mimi say I kene wear the band. I likeeee. Hahahs. Oh well, CRAY Diyanah and Mimi darling kus is waiting for this post. Alright, here you go babes. Oh yeah, MIMI KAU GILER AH TADI ! Okay, till here then.
Labels: ECCENTRIC? *smiles*
Monday, January 12, 2009
Oh hello there, readers.
I won't be updating that much. It is likely because of being lazy to update since I'm busy with some other stuff. Oh yeah, I love today. Ms Alex said I scored on my diagnostic test ! (Yessah! I was suprised mannn ^^) EDDY! You made me laugh and crap too much, you know? I love the learning journey today! Though I fell asleep on the damn comfortable chair, when the guide was explaining, I really enjoyed myself with friends today. Oh kickass mates, you guys are like so happening today mannn. Apart from that, I get to skip volleyball with a valid reason. Hahhhhh! How cool. Oh well, a new skin again. I'm so fickle-minded mannn, really. Oh yeah, Dee. I know you miss me. HA-HA. It's like oh-so-obvious. Expected you know? *kening naek naek* Oops. I almost forgot. I'd post pics of today, when I get it from Eddy! I'm runnin' outta' words. Till here then, people.
Labels: FICKLE-MINDED? Pretty much.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Been long since I last typed that in this dead blog of mine. Yesterday was one happy night for me. Settled the misunderstanding I had with Sufi Sufyan a.k.a my long lost Abang Yan. It's good that we're back to being like the old times. Else, till now I'd still be shaking when I'm talking to him like how I was yesterday.
School's start and damn, I don't pretty much like it. Though I like my form teacher so much, still I don't know why I hate this feeling of going to school. I miss my old friends so much and how I wish things stayed like how they used to be. But oh well, I'm still trying to get to know people in my class better. Who knows, this new class I'm in might be the best class I could ever be in? We'll see.
Oh yeah, my hunns is coming home tomorrow. Gosh, I miss him loads. Oh yeah, damn those people who injured you there, hunns. What goes around, comes around. They'd get something even worse one day. Grrrrr.
Ohhhh yeah, I don't find myself really fitting in. Oh why, me? Of all people, ME. Gahhhhhhh.
Back to enduring it once again, just like old times. *rolls eyes*
I'd post whenever I can, aiite people? My eyes are really sore now and I think I'd better stop. Till here then.
Labels: Not fitting in. Know what it feels like? ):
Friday, January 2, 2009
First day of school, kinda suck.
Tu larh, Fira. Saper suroh kau dye rambut? Masuk sekolah jer, dengar orang pekik dari jauh, "ehhhhh, rambut perang per babe??!"
I could've gotten away mannn. But hell yeah, was caught with the others too. Though we were caught fpr dying our hair, we keep laughing and pretend as if we did nothing.
Sialarh korang, buat aku ketawa macam tu.
It was damn chaotic, just to find our classes. Like yeah, we were screaming and laughing at one another, not caring about teachers and stuff. Crazy people, crazy class. Ohhh yeah, my class is suuuupeeeer HYPER. Farah, Farhana, the usual kickass babes. Had CCA after school and gosh it sure was fun playing vb with Maww, Susy and Pecqa. I love you babes! After CCA, walked to the library since both Maww and I was dying to borrow books. If it weren't for these lovely babes, first day or any other school days would be boredome for me! Oh yeah, I get to meet my oh-so-long-time-never-see abang, ABANG NAZIF! Gosh, I love your shoes larh abang. Grrrr.
Shiats, I really hope things would work out for me. Cos' you know what? I'm already beginning to hate school just by the first day. Alrighty Maww. I'm looking forward to start mugging with you babe! SAAAAAYAAAANG KAU! Alright, end the post here. Till here then, people.