I made this video playlist at
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Today seems to be a very suey day for me. I don't know what's up with me, seriously. I'm really blur today. I'd tell you why, in a while. Been studying like the whole day so thought of taking a break for a while. Went to meet Mimi and was happy to see Shuk/Syuk and other ex-boonlayians though Shuk/Syuk was the only one I talked to. Bus-ed down to JP before that and I was sitting alone in the double decker bus. Was all imagining all about Haru and stuff till four guys boarded the bus and sat near me.
The first guy was like, "AHHH ! GATAL GATAL. SEBAT BARU TAHU!" He was referring to his friend, when he said that. Their convo was so funny that I kept smiling to myself. As per normal, swearing was part of their convo. Walked to BK, met Mimi and headed to Mcafe. Like finally, I got my hot chocolate. I was talking extremely loud, super hyper just now. Was laughing like there's no tomorrow and all thanks to Mimi. After so long, like finally we get to talk long like just now yeah?
Walked to PM after that, to buy my apple pie. Once again, here comes the blur girl.
MCD Guy: Take away or having here?
Me: Huh? *blur* *looks at apple pies*
MCD Guy 2: Take away or having here?
Me: Ohhh... Having here.
Mimi: Eyh, belo. Take away larh!
MCD Guy 2: Take away or having here? Take away? Okay.
Me: Err. *smacks my forehead*
MCD Guy 2: Your change.
Me: Huh? *blur face*
Mimi: Your change larh! *pointing*
Me: Oh...Okay. *blushes, hides face*
Blurness right? Then on my way out, I almost banged into a guy. It was good that Mimi was there to push me away from the guy. Gosh, suey. Had a great time walking back home with Mimi. Thanks for making my day yeah babe? Had loadsa fun with you! Oh yeah, I need a change of phone badly mann. The state of my phone is like dying state.
Oh yes, I really miss you Haru! ): Tsk, I'm missing you loads! Alright, till here then readers. My eyes are giving up on me. Toodles!
Labels: I'm missing you. ):
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Oh hello there readers.
I guess most of you have stopped reading my blog and some don't even bother to check if I've updated. Oh yes, this week/month has been really hectic for me. I've adjusted myself to sec three life and yes, it's twice and more load of homework. Drats! Speaking of homework, I've yet to finish mine.
I have not been spending time with dearest bestie too. Sorry bestie, it just seems so hard to spend a long time with you. ): I do miss you, babe!
Oh yes, I think I'm really paying attention in class now. Especially in Physics. That does not include Geography lessons. I just can't seem to keep my eyes open in Geography lessons. No matter how I early I slept the previous night, my eyes just seem to give up on me. Due to my head always on the table, and having my hands covering my face most of the time, Ms Tan is always asking me to answer questions.
Oh yeah, people are like calling me M.Shadows. All thanks to my sore throat and Zac for giving me the nickname. Seriously, I sound so manly and people always give the shocked expression whenever they hear my voice. Yes, I know you guys don't expect the voice to come out of my mouth. After school was fun. Mawwadah scolding Zuhri was such a fun thing to watch. They were doing A maths stuff and gosh, I swear I'd never teach Zuhri anything since seeing Maww teach him is such a pain. They were fighting in a joking way of course and that's something you don't get to see everyday.
Oh yes, sorry dear. I was too stressed out about homework just now, till I forgot/ignored you hunney.
Oh yeah, HAPPY 4TH MONTHSARY DEAR! This 4 months I had with you, was a whole enjoyable 4 months baby! I LOVE YOU A LOT!
Oh well, till here then readers. I think I'd start doing homework. Toodles! (:
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
*coughs like hell*
Yes, I'm still having fever and I doubt I'm coming to school till Friday. If I were to still have fever on Friday, means it's like a week of not coming to school. Shucks, I can't even eat in peace cos' I keep coughing NON-STOP! The feeling sucks like hell. Urgh. I'm craving for Starbucks and Mcafe mannn. Unfortunately, this damn cough would'nt let me.
I'm missing my sweethearts too! No worries babe, I'd be in school soon and we'd crap like we usually do, alright hunns? Oh you, Haru. I miss you, for sure! Alright, i'm feeling drowsy right now. Till here then.
Monday, February 16, 2009
I'm so not going to school for like 2 days since I have a three days MC. I'm surely to miss out on a lot of stuffs in schools. But having to not attend school, at least I can hinder stuffs that I hate to see or hear. Oh yes, I feel damn annoyed, my parents read my blog. Must I change my url again ? Put my blog as private ? Urgh. I guess I'd knockout now. Till here then, readers.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Gosh, this blog is dead. Sorry readers. I'm just busy and plus I'm sick. Fever is kinda gone but this cough just won't go away. Oh yeah, thanks Mimi and Haru for caring about me, till you guys called me like, numerous times. I LOVE YOU GUYS! *hugs Mimi and Haru*
Till here then, readers. (:
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Labels: Hawt hawt cuzzie crib.
Saturday, February 7, 2009

Haru selenger sey, shot nie. -.-" Cari ikan eh, Haru?

Photo of the day. My Valentine.
Oh holla.
Today's a great day yo! LOVE TODAY, LOVE TODAY! Went out with Haru dearest. He asked me out today, since he cannot bring me out on Valentines. How sweet right? So yeah, met him around 12.30 and as usual, was late. I love what I wore and yay Haru loves it too.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
I hate doing CS homework nowadays. The only reason why I'm doing it is because it'd give me access to internet. If not, I would not even get to see the hawt hawt heat laptop mannn. It's killing me, seriously. Having to misplace my thumbdrive is another thing. What is up with me? I'm saying all the wrong stuff at school and doing the wrong stuffs at times. Oh yeah! I hope I do well in my Geog CA. Studied so hard for it mannn. Oh well.
School's been okay, not that good and not that bad either. I just hate having to wake up early in the morning and being late...and also being embarassed in front of the class when you do something wrong. The best parts are having to laugh my ass off with friends who never fail to be my laughing gases, Haru being a sweet hunney and Zac a.k.a ZAQ who ALWAYS jokes around about me.
Oh yeah, I really LOVE playing the red plate game with Zac and Haru. Seriously, having to intro him to that game was not a bad idea mannn. Zac would get all excited and we even stood in the middle of a pathway because Zac was dying to win in the game. I was out of the game of course, since he wanted to go against Haru alone. Crazy, tall guy. ZAC won anyway since Haru was slow to find a red plate car. Oh yes, I underestimated Zac by saying he was slow in the first place. Oh yeah, I kept humming afterlife solo and got both of them to get addicted to it too. HAHHH! Zac's re-enactment was so funny. I swear, I was laughing so hard that I could not even walk at times.
Seriously, Haru and Zac can't meet! Oh well, till here then. CS stuffs are like waiting for me and yet I'm posting a such a long post. Oh goodbyeee, readers.
Oh yes, I've tried. But no, you won't listen. Oh why, me.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I'M GETTING SUUPAA BUSY THESE DAYS! Can't even blog long, seriously. So for the moment, this blog would/may remain dead.
Oh yeah, I'm in love with this part in a literature poem.
The stars are not wanted now; put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun.
Sounds effing nice, right? I love lit lessons! Oh and yeah, HE IS THE SEX!
Till here then readers.
Labels: I miss you.