I made this video playlist at
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Gosh, I love the pictures above. Seriously. Finally get to meet up with bestie dear, Mimi. Though we only met just to go to Central, well a lot happened. As per normal, disturbing people in public is a must. There was this speaker which keeps repeating chinese stuff and it was super annoying till I shouted vulgarities and yet nobody could hear me except for Mimi. Had a great time giggling about it though. Oh yeah, thanks for the bubble tea treat yeah babe? For the clips too. Oh, and Mimi said hi to the guy selling fruits. Wth babe? It was fun listening to them mannn. Walked towards my granny's void deck, camwhored and wooooh, I GET TO HUG MIMI! ~ Happy as hell, I tell you.
Fun time with her indeed. I love you babe! Oh god, there's school tomorrow. Bummer. -.-" Oh yeah, I'm still upset for not being able to go for Haru's gig. Him saying it was gerek, made me really jealous mannn. Gahhhh. Alright. Till here then people.
Labels: MIMI.
Happy Wishes.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
I love these black pepper crabs the most! (:
So yeah, had a feast at home all thanks to dearest mum, aunt and granny who worked their butts off. I ate really a lot and I could so feel my stomach filled up suupaaa a lot. People have been saying I've turned chubby and stuffs. Haru likes it? Oh well, I love being chubby too.
Alright, another wish coming up.
Labels: I love you guys. (:
Leave me alone, would you?
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Seriously. I want to be a normal kid. Treat me like other kids would you? Stop accusing me for something that is totally false and UNREASONABLE. I envy other kids who are free to do what they want. While me? Pathetic. I just can't take it anymore.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Labels: Boredome.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Mood: Drunk and Hyper.
Yes, you can tell from the pics above who's birthday it was. Happy 15th birthday hunney! It was and advanced birthday celebration for him since he had to celebrate with his family on the actual day. So yeah, I bought for him a cake and gosh it tasted good as hell. Was happy to know he liked the cake and everything. Seriously, had we more time to eat the cake, we would have surely finished the cake. Went home after that to change and out to watch movie with him. We wore grey coincidentally and boy, there sure was a lot of couples or people wearing grey too.
Watched Dragonball Evolution and I find the guy in the movie hawt and supaaa cute. There was a twist in the movie having myself going HUH?! really loud in theater. Oh well, my reaction did'nt quite bother anyone much anyway.
Went to City hall to get Haru's guitar stuffs and then to Bugis to buy Haru his guitar stuff(here we go again.) So yeah, after that lepaks for a while and then off to go home. Oh yes, we were great kiddos so we took any train that we wanted and ended up getting on board on the wrong train.
Haru: Eh asal, pat Kallang? Kita naek salah train arh.
FIRA: Eh? Turun turun!
We laughed so hard, seriously. Met mum and Mcafe after that. Walked home, ran here and there and ended up taking a stupid video. I had fun, seriously. VERY FUN DAY INDEED. I'm supaaa tired now. Nights then people and psssttt someone's 15th!
Labels: Happy Birthday Hunney.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Mornings people.
Yes, 2.06AM and yet I'm still awake. Thanks to damn CAs and screw me for not studying much earlier. My back and butt hurts like holy _____ . Eye bags? Pretty much. Having to see your teacher talk and yet not to catch a single thing he/she said, it's seriously better if you don't even attend school. Wish I could do that, but there's just too many things to do at school.
I'd be going to Bukit Batok Home For The Aged after school and I hope we'd enjoy ourselves there and entertain the elderly. ~ I want to sing along with you guys too! Oh wait, what if I forget the lyrics? Sheesh, that'd be embarassing. Having to sing with all your heart and then screwing up the lyrics...Gosh, you'd be the laughing stock there.
Oh yeah, public speaking really freaks me out. If you don't see the microphone I'm holding to be shaking so much, that'd be a miracle. Must I really do it? Gosh, I don't have the confidence. Urgh. Oh well, let's just give it a try. Maybe it won't be that bad, I guess.
Oh yes, after BBHA visit, then it'd be starbucks for baby and me. Wees! Haru's treat! ~ Then, we'd be good kids and study maths right, baby? I wonder how you can be that patient with me, cos seriously my maths is like down the damn _______ drain.
I wish I could blog longer but these eyes are just giving up on me. Till here then readers.
Labels: EYE BAGS.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Happy day indeed. Really, seriously. So yeah, went out to meet FARAH NURDIYANA to get my damn maths file. I just hate maths, grrr. Haru accompanied me, to get the file and guess what? We got lost there. Lucky, I had Haru or else I'd still be walking aimlessly hoping Farah would pop out somewhere or that she would drop from the sky or something. I don't know how many times we called her and she too walked a distance to find us.
We met, eventually and we managed to even gossip about some damn stuffs. Saw Maww and her brother too. Maww kept smiling and all in the bus. Syiok sendiri larh kau. Said our goodbyes to Farah then, and walked to Mr. Teh Tarik. Had bandung and then boarded the bus. Haru was one cute hunney in the bus. He kept making me laugh non-stop mannn. Sweet hunney, really.
Reached and then, walked to JP to meet mummy and fam while he walked to somewhere else. I finally got a change of phone! Met mum and she thought it was okay for Haru to join and thus, he did. Had loadsa fun having him around, and as per normal we were laughing our ass off. Had lunch/dinner at banquet and Haru step maner nyer malu malu kucing just because my mum treated him. I even asked permission from mum to feed Haru you know.
She said, "If you want to feed him, then feed him larh. Then what? Want me feed him?" *smiles and laughs* When we were at JP, mum even said Laila my sister, Haru and I was like a family. She was like, "Is this your child?" Oh yeah, my left hands was like holding my sister's while my right one was like holding Haru's. Seriously, we looked like a family! ^^
Walked around JP after that and mum asked Haru a question that left him and myself stunned.
Know what she asked?
Mum: HARU! What do you like about my daughter?
Haru: Huh? *blushes*
FIRA: Alamak mama... Why ask that kind of question? *smiles*
Mum: Haru, answer larh, I must know what why you like my daughter...
Haru: Huh? Malu larh. *smile*
FIRA: *Walks away yet still smiling*
He did say something to mum soon after and then when I asked him to repeat what he said, he just smiled cos' he's to shy to do so. I got to know what he said eventually and gosh, I was smiling away! He had to go home early then, due to his gig stuffs and the rest of us lepaks at Mcafe and then off to Sheng Siong to meet granny and grandad.
Walked home with brother after that and gosh, it sure was fun. We had to rush to Gekpoh since brother needs to go ____ . His face was damn arse funny mannn. Had fun talking to him all the way. Talked to him about loads of fun stuffs. Reached home, watched this creepy thing on tv with the rest and then here I am. Gosh, I'm tired. Update more, when I can. Toodles readers.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Don't you find him effing hawt? *melts*
Been listening to N.E.R.D tracks really a lot recently. Their songs make me wanna dance, seriously. I've been really hyperactive around Haru too. Oh yes, you don't know a lot of things about me hunney.
Let's update about upcoming stuffs.Having cross country tomorrow and gosh, I really hope I get a place in the top 3, 5 or 10 at least.
We'd be having cross country at the same venue again. -.-" So yeah, I'd be going with my kickass mates and it'd surely be very chaotic. There's surely to be loads of pictures too, trust me.
So yeah, that's about it. I can't think of any other upcoming stuffs for now. Guess I'd end the post here since I feel so damn beat. So yeah, toodles readers.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Hello readers.
Today was indeed a fun day. Kept laughing non-stop, due to Haru's jokes. Thanks a lot Haru, for being my laughing gas. Oh yeah, not forgetting Mimi. Had loadsa fun disturbing her in the bus in the morning. Had lunch at KFC and yes, I did laugh till my face was red. Trust me, my face ain't pretty when it's all red.
Walked home, to the normal place we always sit to chat. So yeah, I confessed every wrong doings I did to him and yes, I felt really guilty. I regretted what I did and I'm not going to repeat it again. Seriously, his change of expression made me realised that I'm a total idiot for doing my past mistakes. Sorry yeah, hunney? I'm just happy I've let it all out to you and no more secrets after this. I promise.
So yeah, enough serious talk. I was laughing like there's no tomorrow soon after. Cos' you know what? Haru having bangs fringe made me laugh so hard. I was playing around with his fringe and I did the bangs style on him and laughed for a whole five minutes or more. Even though we walked away from the place already, I was still smiling and then start laughing again. Even Haru cannot stop laughing. That's what you get, when you hang out with me. Laughing most of the time. Right Mimi? Right Haru? Hees. Oh yes, Haru's so accompanying me to print stuff later on. Night-walk and non-stop laughing again! Yeayness! *smiles widely*
Alright, I so gotta' study now. Damn CAs. Ciaos then! (: