I made this video playlist at
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Freaking ass funny video. Keep laughing while watching them mannn.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Holla. Gosh, why the hell do I dig indonesian stars nowadays. Probably because of granny having that Indonesian channel. Been watching Indonesian dramas really alot. You know how Indonesian dramas can be. Addictive mannn. So yeah, I love this two hunks above like alot. Super hot hot. Ohhh yeah, been hanging out with Tharshini alot these days. She's one funny and crazy girl, seriously. I LOVE YOU, BABE. Heee. Oh yeah, the holidays are here, and yet I'm waking up super early in the morning, just to get back to school. WOW. A great holiday, indeed. -.-" Ohhh well, till here then. I'm frigging tired mannn. Gooodbyeee.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Ohhhh, ohhhhh, HOLLLLAAAA!
Let's start. Skipped school with a VALID REASON, since I had to go this Financial Literacy Camp held at Shuqun Sec. Thought it was going to end up like a normal maths lesson, but it turned out to be rather fun and interesting. Once again, I'm sorry for making you guys lateee and our school the last to arrive. I just can't bring myself to wake up. My willpower ain't strong enough to lift this lazy bum of mine up and wake up, wake up, wake up! *grins*
So yeah, we did learned a lot of interesting facts and we went through 2 phases of our lives which was the phase where we were still kiddos and a young working adult. My favourite part was when we played the praxis game. The last few minutes were the fun time, as we were playing the game as fast as possible, and I was like a mad woman, screaming enthusiasticly. Yes, my group members did laughed at me. (I WAS NUTS, I KNOW.)
After the day was over, I was really filled with fatigue and HUNGER. So yeah, as expected, KFC with HA HA RU! Met up with Haru and walked with the rest. Ross was one crazy joker, seriously. He mad me laugh till I couldn't stand. So yeahhhhhh, KFC KFC AT JP! Then walked home, when somebody....FELLLLLLL! MUAHAHAHAH.
Oh well, to end my post here's a small wish for my dearest Haru.
These 7 months with you were great ! You were always patient and there for me whenever I need you despite my effing attitude at you at times. I admit, I seriously can't find a greater boyfriend like you. I love your smile, those hugs and having to not see you during June holidays, really suck. I'm going to miss you, and I'd wait for your return like a mad woman! Baby, I know we can last really long. How do I know? I know so, and I'm sure. I'm sure you do too. *winks* BABY, I LOVE YOU LOADS AND HAPPY 7TH MONTHSARY AGAIN BABY!
Labels: HARU.
Midsummer Night's Dream.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Haven't been replying or getting much tags lately. Lack of updates due to laziness should be the main reason. So yeah. Went to a literature play; A Midsummer Night's Dream the previous day. We had a mini suprise birthday party for Ms Ang before that too. Cut cakes, and ate in the bus. & you know what? Dilip spoonfed me the cake! Totally unexpected! Had a great time, sitting and crapping with you in the bus dude! A very interesting and fun conversation! Moving on. My, the play was suuuupeeer nice. Worth your money, mannn! It was hillarious and touching indeed. Many "SHOCKING" scenes too. Dilip was blushing like an idiot, in the theater. Ohhhh yeah, thanks to Tharshini & Dilip, for making the theater even more fun to watch by sitting next to me yeah? You guys are such great friends. On the way back, Tharshini and I couldn't keep still and were camwhoring non-stop till both Edy and Dilip were annoyed. Reached JP, camwhored again and went home with dearest Ha ha ru! That's about it for yesterday.
Well today, wasn't that great. Fights, nagging, and endless screaming. What more can I say? It's a good thing that I get to meet Haru. Got his warm hugs and get to hear his addictive laughter! Till here then. Goodbyee.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Currently chatting with that Zac who's one hell of a joker. He did't study for CS and he was listening to Britney Spear's circus, and he said he was studying by earpiece. Yeah yeah, so much for studying dude. He said he was listening to Paramore, Demi LAVAVIVAVILATO and RJA. Crazy dude. Don't know how to spell uh? Here's one convo that made me really annoyed yet still laughing at him. Damn dude.
ha[ziq] ™ says:
bace lagi la
ha[ziq] ™ says:
aku type lagi buat ape
FIRA. says:
heh? aper ko berbual nie ?
FIRA. says:
FIRA. says:
ha[ziq] ™ says:
ha[ziq] ™ says:
say it again
FIRA. says:
kau nie eh, aku tanyer, kau tanyer aku balik ,
FIRA. says:
mcm siak.
ha[ziq] ™ says:
heh? aper ko berbual nie ?
ha[ziq] ™ says:
I don't want to post the elaboration of the convo since it really shows how selenger bacin Zac can be. Plus, I so can't forget new words we would always make while chatting. He remembers it too. Heee.
So yeah, end of MYE today. HOOOOOOO-HOOOOO-RAYYYY! CS was manageable and many of us finished the paper within an hour. Once again, I was in the same class as Zac and I keep laughing since I couldn't help but laugh looking at him. There was a funny thing that happen during CS paper. Funny teacher mannn. Was dismissed around 12.47 and met Haru after that. Lepak, had KFC(yummy cheese fries!) and went home. Mum let me play the laptop and let me sleep in the afternoon, like suprisingly. Ohh well, I think im going to sleep. Well maybe not. Damn Zac. And ohhh, cute Haru. He fell asleep, while msging me. I was worse. I fell asleep while I was on the phone with him. Wth!Alright then, till here then.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Gosh, I have been neglecting my dear blog. Been too busy studying for the last paper till I forget this dear blog of mine. Seriously, I can't wait for Monday. Last paper, and I get to go home early to sleeeep or I get to eat my cheese fries earlier. Muahaha. I don't know why, but these days, I just feel like going out all the time. That is if im not feeling sleepy of course. I want the holidays! People have been saying I've grown chubbier and taller. Yeay me! That is sure to be because of my appetite which is growing so fast too. I'm like eating every second. I'd be chewing everytime you look at me. Oh yeah, I miss cute bestfriends of mine. Where's Mimi and Maww? Oh yeah, not to mention, my dearest Haru. Grrr. Ohhh well, my stomach's grumbling. Till here then.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
No pictures for this post, since I was lazy to canwhore much. Started the day off with Maths paper one. What a way, to start your day. My, it rhymes. Many found the paper difficult. Judging by the way Diyanah keep repeating that the paper was hard, it shows that I'm so flunking. ): While waiting for Ha ha ru, ate breakfast at MCD with Fini, Dee and Aisyah. I miss them much. Especially Dee. We were talking so much that, the other two were walking way farther than both of us. Dee was like, "Ehhh, they far from us already!". It took her really long to realise that, since I was the one listening and she was the one talking most of the time. Oh yeah, when Dee laughs, she'd never stop. She was laughing like a mad woman at MCD.
Met Haru then, off lepaking and headed to central's kfc after that. I'm seriously turning unhealthy these few months. Been eating KFC for like few months lately. After school, KFC. When I'm in class, I'd always imagine myself eating cheese fries. Gosh, I'm a total addict. :)
Went lepaking again, and ended up playing the 10cent coin game. When you're bored, I suggest you create your own game. It's way better and more fun. We had to throw the coin at each other, and we must catch the coin. It sounds boring, but you play it, its freaking fun. The coin keep hitting my eye and forehead. Thanks Haru, for throwing the coin that way. Headed home after that, and ended up sleeping. Ohh well, 2 hell papers to sit for tomorrow. I can't wait to have MYE over and done with. Alright, till here then.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Holla. So yeah, yesterday was Mother's day. Oh hey, it was my mummy's birthday too. Firstly trained our way down to City hall where we then headed to Sakura for our lunch/dinner. The food there was great, and we did camwhored pretty a lot, till the people around us got irritated since my phone's shutter sound was annoying. Yes, I'm sure you guys will suggest me to switch off the shutter sound, but I've been there and It can't be done. Irritating shutter noise. I was the last one to finish eating, till they had to wait for me.
Went to Marina Square after that, since Aunty wanted to get her sport shoe. She got herself Nike's and gosh, they're nice. Saw other shoes there, and boy this Le Coq Sportif shoe was VERY VERY PRETTY. I want it, I want it! Walked around more after that till there was this place filled with the machine soft toy game. Though we tried countless times to get the soft toy out, none of us got it. I had a last dollar and asked mum to try the last machine, and suprisingly, we got the soft toy! A cute yellow rabbit soft toy, totally cuteee! Then, we ended up at Esplanade to get drinks. Boy, the guys attending the drink stalls were freakingly unfriendly. A total don't care kind of person. Blergh. After drinks, we trained for home sweet home.
To end this post, I'm just going to wish mummy,
Labels: Happy Birthday Mummy.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Holla. Let's summarise what happened yesterday.
-Went out with Haru, to get mum her birthday present.
-Met with Zac and Hazim along the way. Ended up going around, finding Zac's guitar stuff. Laughed really alot due to damn Zac, cracking lame jokes.
-Split up with them soon, went for museum which was a super bore.
-Was camwhoring when something happened, made me pissed off. Talked stuff out, was okay then.
-Walked home, in a very hyper mood? Reached home around 10.30p.m plus.
For now, i'm filled with BOREDOME, till I did not reply any text msgs or talked with a voice which shows no interest at all, when they call me. Humor me, someone? Gahhhhh. ):
Labels: Boredome.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Currently in a super happy mood. Haven't been updating much recently either because of being to busy or just plain lazy. Had a great time in yesterday's outing. It was a last minute plan, yet a great outing.
So yeah, went to for Elective Geog remedial and I was late by 20 minutes. It was just lucky, that after I strolled in for class, Ms Tan was just running in. Was super blur in class and when she asked me a question, I had a suuuupeeeer long time to answer. The rest were just laughing at me. Grrrr. After class, met boify who didn't mean to be late. Just because of being late, he treated me KFC? Like, woah. Do come late often, Haru. *grins*
So yeah, had lunch and was at Popular when mum called about the plan. Asked Haru to tagged along and was happy to have him around. Rushed home, got ready and when out. Boify and I wore black. Mum, sis, Haru and I bus-ed to JP and met the rest at JP. Met up with Aunty and her colleague which tagged along and brother. Headed off to GV and brother realised something. Haru and him was wearing topman shirts and three quaters of the same colour. He was super happy that he went to mum telling her about it.
Bought tix and walked around to find a place to eat. Was suprised when we stopped in front of Pizza Hut.
We were like, "Heh? Pizza Hut?" *smiling away* You lucky boify, get treated by my mum and aunt. We were super kecoh at Pizza Hut, since mum and aunt, were talking crap as per normal till aunt's collegue kept laughing. Ordered loads of stuffs and table was way to small for everything we ordered. The food was great and we were super full!
Oh yeah, mum wanted to taste a little of Haru's lasagne and Haru wanted and did spoonfed her! Mum was like, all shy at first but yet let him do it in the end. Damn we didn't get it on camera. Mum did the same to Haru too, after aunt initiated her to do so. It was a super cute thing to see and we were all smiling away. I find Haru and brother to get along really well too since my brother never stop to laugh. After Pizza Hut, managed to play this game where we must make this machine get our soft toys. SUPER KECOH! Mum and brother were screaming loud in frustration to get the soft toy out. Headed to GV after a few attempts, to watch X-men Origins. I LOVED WOLVERINE SO MUCH! While Haru and Brother liked Gambit best, since they find him cool.
Boy, the movie was worth it. Action-packed and really a nice movie to watch. The ending was super sad! Hugh Jackman, was super hawt and Haru was super annoyed since I kept saying , "Wahhh, so hawt sia! Look at his body like tan tan, sapau sia!". Many of us rated the movie 4 out of 5. Headed home after that, and went to 711 and lepak for a while with Haru while the rest went home first.
Chatted and yeah, bie. Remember what I say aite? Went home around 9 and slept for a while. Woke up, wash up and here I am blogging. Oh well, I loved yesterday! Pictures are in Haru's hp so yeah, no pictures for this post yeah. Till here then.
Labels: Yesterday.