I made this video playlist at
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Seriously wtf. I was laughing so hard looking at these old pictures I found. Pictures since secondary one till now? Gosh, I'm laughing my ass off still. Still can't believe that was me, once.
Anyway, won't be blogging much. ONE, Exams around the corner. TWO, I'm just too lazy.
Oh well, till here then. :D
Anyway, won't be blogging much. ONE, Exams around the corner. TWO, I'm just too lazy.
Oh well, till here then. :D
First Day , First Day Of Raya !
Monday, September 21, 2009
Pictures explains everything.
It was super damn fun. Having the company of the three cute cuzzies of mine, made my dayyyy. They're super funny in their own wayyys mann. Haru's picture got leaked due to the youngest cuzzie, the one in black and holding the bunga api, for telling everyone about it. She even showed the picture to her maid. A total of 9 houses visited. Can't wait for the next raya outing!
Till here then, goodbye readers! :D
Ma' Big day.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Family birthday outing.
Was a blast and a veryyyyyy touching outing. Nothing can compare my family's love for me. Though I resent them at times, they're the people who are always there for me. Hugs and kisses from mum, aunt, sister and ESPECIALLY brother who kissed me three times on the cheeks, made my day. I cried and they laughed at me. -.- Still, they made my day. Many funny incidents, seriously. Outing to JB, feast at Singgah sana selalu. Veryyyyyyyyy bloated! Though I was bloated with the food, I ordered Ice Milo twice. Shopping at City Sq and wooowwww, mom's new shoe and bag is smoking hot. Headed home after that , and slept straightaway. Eventually woke up lahhh , to change and sorts. Still thinking about the outing till today mannnn.
Thank you to all, who wished me Happy Birthday yeahhhhh! ~ I'm super happy that people remembered. Appreciate it loads people. Oh well, Happy Birthday to me! Till here then people.
Cooookieee Monster .
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Pictures of the cookie I baked for Haru ! Finally, he sent it via msn. Had really loads of crappy stuff that night. Anyway, today was damn effing fun. Been hyper in school, and wow. I'm getting all stressed out about upcoming EYE. Like who doesn't right? People chiong-ing like hell now...
Oh well, I won't be blogging that much since its exams week. Till here then. See, another abrupt end to the post. -.- Bye readers.
Pictures of the cookie I baked for Haru ! Finally, he sent it via msn. Had really loads of crappy stuff that night. Anyway, today was damn effing fun. Been hyper in school, and wow. I'm getting all stressed out about upcoming EYE. Like who doesn't right? People chiong-ing like hell now...
Oh well, I won't be blogging that much since its exams week. Till here then. See, another abrupt end to the post. -.- Bye readers.
Disturbed .
Monday, September 14, 2009
I dreamnt , the vox of paramore wanted to kill her teacher! I dreamnt I was hugging a corpse that was burried! Recently too, I dreamnt I was walking with my aunty at a dark place with indian construction workers everywhere and that they were trying to disturb me. Was scared as fuck, when aunt panicked and asked me to run in the dream.
I'm scared. These dreams are getting worse day by day. ):
Floodgates .
The picture above, shows how stupid I can be, when I confidently, dipped my leg into the water and got it all wet. xD
Currently, still in a shock due to the Malay drama I watched. Pinggiran Ramadhan. Hit me really hard on the head, that I MUST take care of my parents. That goes without saying. I loveeeeee my parents loads. Floodgates broke open mannn. I can't handle having my loved ones dying on a special day, a day where we spend time as a family and seek forgiveness. You lose your loved ones and you don't get to seek forgiveness. Mannnnn, at that point of time killing myself would definately be the first thing that I'd do. Gahhhhhhh, I'm still shaking right now. :(
Moving on. Studying with Haru today seems so fun. After school, had DETENTION. With my hot hot people, Mimie and Haru. Mimie was sitting in the middle of Haru and I and we were passing messages with a paper? Haha, cracked my brains for a whole hour and a half for one stupid maths questions. Reason? Heheh, I overlooked the answer. Man I'm tired. My posts are always ending so abruptly. And yeah, my big day's coming sooon. Oh 18, 18, 18. *sniffs* Fresh baked cookies from the oven! Oh well, till here then, cookies are calling me. Toodles.
Sweet Hunneyyyy .
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Just came back from breaking fast with Haru Agio baby. Loads of fun, despite the number of tiffs we kinda had. Hey, I'm sensitive okay. Yes yes, you're sensitive too. Lucky we can resolve our tiffs fast yeah. Still, I'm sorry about just now. Your girlfy alwayyyyyys sulk. I know, I know. Headed to JE Library first to do maths, and then to IMM to break fast. Broke our fast at LJS and woahhh, Haru's treat! There was this married malay couple sitting next to us with their kids and the malay uncle was supeeeer friendly. I was spoon-feeding Haru chocolate pie, when he suddenly said UMMMM! When Haru ate it.
Uncle said to his wife: JUST LIKE WHEN WE WERE YOUNG HUH?
Haru and I: *smiles, giggles*
Uncle: *ask Haru's and my age* You know, I met her when she was your age and when I was 19!
Haru and I" *woah, smiles*
Uncle: When do you guys want to get married?
Haru and I: *shocked* Heh? Hahas.
They're really a sweet couple. When I first saw the uncle with his cheeky smile, I knew he was friendly and was a joker. The trip home was really sweet. 99 bus trip oiii. Having Miqdad suddenly pop out of nowhere in the bus, added on to the fun. Coincidentally Haru's and his Raya colour theme this year was exactly the same. -.- Reached bus stop, headed home, took the heart cookie I baked for him and met him again. Was damn happy, to see him eat the cookie so semangatly. He said it was nice! Well... Hahaha. Camwhored with him, using the cookie for our poses. Sweet pictures, really. Unfortunately, it's in Haru's phone and his phone is a little cuckoo. So, no pictures could be sent. Anyway, that's about it for today. And wow, it's 10.30 and I'm sleeppy already. Till here then.
Super Loud.
Friday, September 11, 2009

Break Fast with gerek people.
Our faces are like all distorted due to the hands of the jokers, Syafiq and Rusydi. They're always ruining the pictures I look better in. See, the blur pictures explains everything. Nevertheless, the outing wouldn't be that kecoh without them. Really had loadsa fun with them. Break Fast at Vivo first and then off to Geylang. The guys were really sweet, as they bought food for us, and only broke their fast at 7.20. Thanks yeah, guys. And damn, there's not much of my face in the pictures in the water since....I was super confident to get into the water, and my jeans were not folded hight enough. Resulting to my jeans getting super fucking wet. Thanks Fini, for helping me with my jeans! Geylang? Hot, stuffy, congested with humans.
Syafiq and Rusydi , really made us laugh alot in the mrt train. It's like everything they say or do, seems so funny to us. Nothing can beat Syafiq's Mr Bean's dance. Totally appealing man. Still sorry about both Rusydi and I not able to join you guys lepak at Bugis. Train-ed home with Rusydi and woah, I love talking to him. Oh well, that's about it. Reallyyyyyyy had loadsa fun yesterday. LOVE YOU GUYS!
Lucky I went for volleyball. Match was very fun indeed. I don't regret going for CCA. Whaaaatt?! You don't hear me say that much. Oh, well.
Till here then people.
Our faces are like all distorted due to the hands of the jokers, Syafiq and Rusydi. They're always ruining the pictures I look better in. See, the blur pictures explains everything. Nevertheless, the outing wouldn't be that kecoh without them. Really had loadsa fun with them. Break Fast at Vivo first and then off to Geylang. The guys were really sweet, as they bought food for us, and only broke their fast at 7.20. Thanks yeah, guys. And damn, there's not much of my face in the pictures in the water since....I was super confident to get into the water, and my jeans were not folded hight enough. Resulting to my jeans getting super fucking wet. Thanks Fini, for helping me with my jeans! Geylang? Hot, stuffy, congested with humans.
Syafiq and Rusydi , really made us laugh alot in the mrt train. It's like everything they say or do, seems so funny to us. Nothing can beat Syafiq's Mr Bean's dance. Totally appealing man. Still sorry about both Rusydi and I not able to join you guys lepak at Bugis. Train-ed home with Rusydi and woah, I love talking to him. Oh well, that's about it. Reallyyyyyyy had loadsa fun yesterday. LOVE YOU GUYS!
Lucky I went for volleyball. Match was very fun indeed. I don't regret going for CCA. Whaaaatt?! You don't hear me say that much. Oh, well.
Till here then people.