I made this video playlist at
Monday, June 29, 2009
First day, first day, first day. Of SCHOOL. Blergh. I just love the part where I get my awesome kickass partner Dilip to talk to again. Got screwed from Ms Alex on the first day due to us talking. Thanks for backing me up, dude. There was this one conversation between Mr Lee, Dilip and I too.
Mr Lee: *Looks at me* You're his gf ah? *referring to Dilip*
Dilip: Huh?
Me: Huh? *confused*
Mr Lee: You're his gf ah?
Me: Uhhhh, nope?
Background people(Haru, Ross, class): *laughs like an ass* <-Haru did this.
Dilip: Sorry ah, boss. *referring to Haru*
Like why are we being targetted today Dilip? Anyway, enjoyed laughing in class most of the time ah. Slept halfway in SS and CS class. Like wow, my eyes were effing heavy. See, I ain't an early riser. End up sleeping in school. Blergh.
And yeah! Something that made my day. It was p.e and I was waiting for the rest of my group to have their turn. This damn dude named Syafiq aka Bob, stood in front of me, scratched his butt like nobody's business. And i'm like,
Me: FIQ! What the hell are you doing?! *laughs*
Bob: Ehhhh, ehehs. *laughs* Jumped and sit next to me laughing*
Me: I'm like wtf, sak Fiq.
Bob: Aku tak perasan lahhh. *smiles*
See lah. He eh, always like this. After school, laughed my ass off with Syaril, Rusydi, Farah and Haru. Syaril's a laughing machine. He just can't stop, till it made all of us joined in too. Slacked went home, and now gonna study physics. Damn, regret not studying during hols. Ohhhh well,till here then. Physics, Physics, Physics.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Screw you.
I woke up at 7, bus-ed myself to school and was damn effing tired due to the rehearsals. Got home after lunch, slept and woke up like an hour after that, due to sister waking me up. She die die, wants me to wake up, due to the Starhub guy coming at 4. Now it's 5.37pm and no starhub guy and my sleep's ruined. Thanks to Starhub guy. Screw you. Seriously, screw you.
Forget about that. I just can't wait for tmr. 8 monthsary, monthsary, monthsary. Hope mum let me slip out for a movie with my dearest Haru. And yeah, Diniy. Hope I can meet you on Saturday cos I miss you babe! Once again, decisions are up to mum. Hope to see you guys! ^^
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Current mood: Panicky.
B for Boredome.
Holla.Here's pics before and after the visit to the dentist.
Sister was all shy in front of Haru. Blergh. You're super different at home, you little twerp. So yeah, Haru can't come in, and so I went in sister's school with sister. The dentist injected something in her, and boy I should have taken a video of that. Her face was all cramped and scared as hell. She got two of her tooth extracted cos she already had adult teeth(?). I wasn't really hearing what the dentist said. She talked to much, till while she was talking I was daydreaming. No kidding. I'm having a great time teasing her, calling her, "EHH BOGEH!" in front of her, or otp. Yes, she has a cellphone, with camera and also mp3 stuffs. Spoiled brat. She's just 7! Oh yeah, I'm in big trouble. I haven't even start on any homework. And there'tons of em'. Yes, I'm dead. I'M DEAD. And oh yeah, 3 more days till 8 months! Time flies mannn. Ohhh well, till here then. Goodbye.
I'm in big trouble.
Monday, June 22, 2009

Here's pics of the family outing I had last Saturday.
Decided to go Kbox and had a real great time there. Tooo bad Haru can't come along.):
Was hoping you could hunney. Next time then, yeah? Oh damn, something inside me, urges me to get out out out of this damn house. But no, Fira stay home and do house chores. Blergh. Take me away please, someone? ): Ohhhh well, short post for now.
I'm going to get in trouble with mum.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Current mood; Happy as hell.
My blog's dead. My blog's dead. And so is my clean tagboard. Ohhhh well, teasing boify now. He's super annoyed with me singing goodbye from kristina debarge and also the dibo theme song. He's the best boify mannnnnn. Goodbyee for now. (:
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Other's not in pic: Haru, Edy, Jasmin, Sock Ghim.
Went out with them, to catch Drag me to hell. Yes, I strongly agree that the movie wasn't that scary. Sound effects and shocking scenes are mainly the things that make people scream, seriously. The movie's disgusting too. I keep hearing reactions like "EEEEEEEEEWWWW!", "WHAT THE HELL!", "OMG, OMG, OMG!". The movie turned out to be hillarious to me, since many of us, kept laughing. Jasmin cutestuff, was frightened as hell. Covering her ears and stuff. Had our lunch after that, and went our own ways. Really had fun with you guys. (:
I've been M.I.A for quite some time mannn. Doubt anybody ever visit or read this dead blog of mine. Been going out alot recently and mum keeps giving the annoyed face everytime I were to go out. She's gotta give in to my stupid excuses, since I can be very convincing. Muahaha. Yes, been out with Haru Agio, my dearest alort. Yes, I emphasize on the word 'alort'. Cos most of the time I spend outside, it would always be with him. When we're out, we don't really care about the world. Though the girl behind him, would be looking at him, trying to check him out, he'd just give the 'I dont care about you, I love my gf loads' face, followed by a hug. Mannnn, I love my boify. And bie, Escape Theme Park again, this thursday? I bet I'm going to scream loads on that stupid pirate ship. Here's how I screamed the previous time.
On the damn pirate ship ride.
ME: ARGGHHHHHH!!!!!!*tug on Haru like an idiot*
Haru: *laughs harder* Funny ah you.
Imagine him saying that, when we're on a damn ride like that.
So yeah, can't wait for the next outing. And we seldom camwhore when we're out, since we're lazybums and don't bother to pose for a pic. So that explains the lack of pics in this blog of mine. Oh well, till here then. Tired of typing. Goodbyeeeeee.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Been long since I said that at the beginning of my post huh?
Current mood: SUPER EXCITED.
Boify's coming home! Boify's coming home! Yeayyyyyyyy!! Time to get all looney and happy again. Seriously Haru dear, you don't know how much I missed youuuu. Thanks god, it wasn't for two weeks! Counting down the hours of your return! ~ WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! ~
Monday, June 8, 2009
Haruuuuu Dear. When will you be back, hunney? Really am missing you loads and you can so check that with my friends. Especially Tharshini. Wonder if she gets bored listening to me repeating myself.
There's another day of lit camp tomorrow. Somehow, I don't feel like going. Sorry, for my lack of enthusiasm, but I'm just not that into it. Keep daydreaming most of the time. Filled with fatigue, after a day of it mannn. Seriously. I HATE THE DURATION OF THE CAMP AND SOME OF THE GAMES. Due to some reasons. Koko was very enthusiastic about the camp, seriously. It's fun to be with her, and also Jasmin and group. Though I slept right after I got home, I still am feeling sleepy now. Dumb camp, having to make me wake up early, during the holidays. Greatttt, or what. Oh yes, I miss my bestfriends alot. Mawwadah, Mimi, and still you Koko. (: You guys are really great friends! ~
Ohhhh well, JP Mc at 8 tmr. Just hope I can reach there on timeee, since i'm not an early riser. Gahhhhhh.
Thursday, June 4, 2009

So here's a post for my dear bie, who's going away for two weeks.
Haru dear!
I'm going to super miss you these 2 weeks! The thought of not contacting and seeing you for two weeks, is enough to make me go crazy, bie. The two outings we had last Tuesday and today, was really sweet and gosh, I'd always remember it, hunney. Now who's going to kiss me on my head and my cheeks? Who's gonna give me a warm hug ? Who's gonna make me smile and laugh, whenever I'm effing down. It's always you, being there for me, bie. I'm going to wait for your return like a mad woman, you know? You takecare when you're there okay? Don't let me find out, you starve yourself, and get sick okay mr? Have a safe trip yeah? Last but not least, you surely know, that I would miss you and I would always love you!
Labels: bie., I'm going to miss you